We recently asked a couple of the researchers at the Translational Breast Cancer Research Unit (TBCRU) at the London Health Sciences Centre (LHSC), “why do you walk on Mother’s Day for BCSC?” Our first Q & A is with Adrienne Borrie, PhD student researcher at the TBCRU in London below are her replies.
1. Who are you and what do you do at the Translational Breast Cancer Research Unit (TBCRU) at the London Health Sciences Centre (LHSC)?
I am a PhD Candidate in the final year of the Clinical Pharmacology program at the University of Western Ontario. My research focuses on breast cancer chemotherapy, and I aim to make treatment safer and more effective by looking at patient’s genes.
2. Why do you walk at the Breast Cancer Society of Canada’s (BCSC), Mother’s Day Walk?
TBCRU generously awarded research funding to me during my first year of my PhD. This initial funding not only made me feel very supported by our research community but it helped me secure further federal research funds for the following three years. I am very grateful to the Breast Cancer Society of Canada and all of the ways in which they encourage and support breast cancer research and breast cancer patients. I really enjoy being an active part of this community by engaging in the walk.
3. Tell us your most memorable moment(s) you have from past BCSC, Mother’s Day Walk.
I helped out taking photographs of all of the participants of last year’s walk. It was inspiring to see so many positive and smiling people, wearing pink, walking together in support of the Breast Cancer Society of Canada. It made me proud to be a Londoner and a cancer researcher.
4. What is your favourite way to fundraise and get people to sponsor your walk for the BCSC, Mother’s Day Walk?
I am an avid baker and I plan to bake cupcakes for friends and family in order to help raise funds for my team, the TBCRU team, at the BCSC Mother’s Day Walk.
5. Why are you looking forward to this year’s BCSC, Mother’s Day Walk?
I love being outdoors. I am very hopeful that the weather will cooperate and that we can all walk together outside for a great cause on a warm spring day!
Find out why the Mother’s Day Walk is an annual tradition for the Breast Cancer Society of Canada, register today at mothersdaywalk.ca