With a total of $15 million of research funded across Canada, we have made exceptional strides in learning more about breast cancer. PhD students and senior researchers are working each and every day to learn more about how this disease operates and how we can improve treatment methods.
In London, Ontario BCSC has committed $10 million to the Pamela Greenaway-Kohlmeier Translational Breast Cancer Research Unit (TBCRU), named after Pam. This team has a special focus on breast cancer metastasis. Metastasis is when breast cancer spreads to a different part of the body – this is often when the cancer becomes deadly.
A total of 17 students are currently researching at the TBCRU lab, under the wings of skilled senior researchers. With nearly $6 million funded to date, we are more than halfway there, and with your help, they will continue their valuable work.
Did you know student researchers are critical to the research process?
Why? Because students are able to perform the detailed, repetitive tasks that research requires at a lower cost to donors. Taking part in research, under the wings of a senior scientist, helps students become well-trained, accomplished researchers.
QEII Health Sciences Center in Halifax, Nova Scotia also operates a collaborative lab with senior and student researchers conducting lifesaving breast cancer research. Here, studies take place on breast carcinoma cells, triple-negative breast cancer, and breast cancer cell metabolism.
BCSC has committed $2.4 million to QEII. To date, we have surpassed $1 million in funding to QEII researchers, but we need your help to fund incoming 2016 student researchers!
We’re halfway there – Help us reach our funding goals of $10 million in Ontario and $2.4 million in Nova Scotia.
Your help gives world-renowned Canadian researchers a chance to continue their breast cancer advancements and train the next generation of researchers.
Thank you,
Kimberly Carson, CEO