BCC Announces $2.5 Million to McPeak-Sirois Group


Breast Cancer Canada Grants $2.5 Million to McPeak-Sirois Group
to Expand Access to Clinical Research

Breast Cancer Canada and McPeak-Sirois Group unite to advance clinical research in Quebec, marking Breast Cancer Canada’s first multi-million dollar research investment in the province.

Breast Cancer Canada, a national charity dedicated to saving lives through breast cancer research, announced a new and innovative partnership with McPeak-Sirois Group for Clinical Research in Breast Cancer, one of the largest breast cancer clinical research consortiums in Canada, to expand access to clinical research in breast cancer throughout Quebec. This funding marks Breast Cancer Canada’s first major investment in Quebec research. 

The $2.5 million commitment to McPeak-Sirois Group will be granted over the next five years and will support the Programme Accès-recherche Dr. André-Robidoux aiming at making clinical research more accessible to patients living outside major urban areas. The funding will amplify the geographical reach and impact of the Group while enabling regional hospitals to offer more clinical trials for the benefit of their patients.

“We would like to thank Breast Cancer Canada for this partnership which represents a major milestone for our Group. Breast Cancer Canada’s funding will allow for growth in the number of Quebec hospitals offering breast cancer clinical trials and improve access to innovative treatments to patients,” shared Dominique Johnson, Managing Director of the Group. “Our objective is to double our reach from 10 to more than 20 hospitals. This funding infusion is empowering us to reach a broader patient base and bring clinical research closer to patients.” 

“We are extremely proud to partner with McPeak-Sirois Group,” said Kimberly Carson, CEO of Breast Cancer Canada. “Together, we are amplifying access to clinical trials and reaching more Canadian breast cancer patients. This partnership represents a significant step forward in our ongoing mission to improve outcomes and transform the breast cancer landscape to be personalized to each individual.”

The partnership between Breast Cancer Canada and McPeak-Sirois Group brings together the expertise and resources of two esteemed Canadian not-for-profit organizations. By leveraging their combined strengths, the aim is to drive tangible progress to increase access to state-of-the-art treatments for patients living in all regions of Quebec. Since the beginning of this partnership, the CISSS de Lanaudière has joined the Consortium as its 11th member.

Susan McPeak, co-founder of the McPeak-Sirois Group, comments: “This funding will catalyze substantial growth for our consortium, enabling the expansion of clinical trial offerings across the province of Quebec. As a former patient and clinical trial participant myself, I know how important it is to be given access to research that cares, regardless of where you live.”

Earlier this year Breast Cancer Canada launched PROgress Tracker. McPeak-Sirois Group was an early advocate for the release of the national, first-of-its-kind knowledge registry that will collect experiences over the next 10 years from people with breast cancer. The intention is to use the data to inform policy and future breast cancer management. BCC is now accepting participants who have or have had any stage of breast cancer, at any time during their journey, to register in PROgress Tracker available in both French and English.

About Breast Cancer Canada:
Breast Cancer Canada (formerly the Breast Cancer Society of Canada) is a national charity dedicated to saving lives through breast cancer research. With a focus on precision oncology (personalized care), it is the only national breast cancer organization in Canada that has a clear mandate to raise money for research. The organization receives no government funding, meaning all research is funded through the generosity of donors. For more information visit, breastcancerprogress.ca.

About The McPeak-Sirois Group:
The McPeak-Sirois Group is a charitable organization whose mission is to fight breast cancer more effectively by increasing patients’ access and participation in clinical trials. The Group’s scientific committee is made up of internationally renowned scientists who oversee the selection of clinical studies offered to the consortium’s member hospitals. Co-founded in 2015 by Susan McPeak, a breast cancer survivor, and Charles Sirois, a well-known entrepreneur, the McPeak-Sirois Group is committed to promoting research that cares by bringing it closer to breast cancer patients throughout Quebec.

Anne-Marie Tremble
Account Manager



Cancer du sein du Canada accorde 2,5 millions $ au
Groupe McPeak-Sirois pour élargir l’accès à la recherche clinique

Cancer du sein du Canada et le Groupe McPeak-Sirois s’unissent pour faire progresser
la recherche clinique au Québec, marquant le premier investissement en recherche de plusieurs millions $ de Cancer du sein du Canada dans la province.

Cancer du sein du Canada, un organisme de bienfaisance national voué à sauver des vies grâce à la recherche sur le cancer du sein, a annoncé aujourd’hui un nouveau partenariat innovant avec le Groupe McPeak-Sirois, l’un des plus grands consortiums de recherche clinique en cancer du sein au Canada, afin d’élargir l’accès à la recherche clinique en cancer du sein partout au Québec. Ce financement constitue le premier investissement majeur de Cancer du sein du Canada dans la recherche au Québec.

L’engagement de 2,5 millions $ envers le Groupe McPeak-Sirois sera accordé au cours des cinq prochaines années et appuiera le Programme Accès-recherche Dr André-Robidoux qui vise à rendre la recherche clinique plus accessible aux patients résidant à l’extérieur des grandes zones urbaines. Ce financement élargira la portée géographique et l’impact du Groupe tout en permettant aux hôpitaux régionaux de proposer davantage d’essais cliniques au bénéfice de leurs patients. 

« Nous tenons à remercier Cancer du sein du Canada pour ce partenariat qui représente une étape majeure pour notre Groupe. Le financement de Cancer du sein du Canada va augmenter le nombre d’hôpitaux québécois offrant des essais cliniques en cancer du sein et améliorer l’accès des patients à des traitements innovants », a partagé Dominique Johnson, directrice générale du Groupe. « Notre objectif est de doubler notre portée au Québec en passant de 10 à plus de 20 hôpitaux membres. Ce financement nous permet d’atteindre une base de patients plus large et de rapprocher la recherche clinique des patients en région. »

« Nous sommes extrêmement fiers de nous associer au Groupe McPeak-Sirois », a déclaré Kimberly Carson, PDG de Cancer du sein du Canada. « Ensemble, nous élargissons l’accès aux essais cliniques et atteignons davantage de patientes canadiennes atteintes du cancer du sein. Ce partenariat représente une étape importante dans notre mission visant à améliorer les résultats et à transformer le traitement du cancer du sein pour qu’il soit personnalisé à chaque individu. »

Le partenariat entre Cancer du sein du Canada et le Groupe McPeak-Sirois rassemble l’expertise et les ressources de deux organismes à but non lucratif canadiens reconnus. En tirant parti de leurs forces combinées, l’objectif est de favoriser des progrès concrets afin d’accroître l’accès aux traitements de pointe pour les patients vivant dans toutes les régions du Québec. Depuis le début de ce partenariat, le CISSS de Lanaudière s’est d’ailleurs joint au Consortium à titre de 11e membre.

Susan McPeak, cofondatrice du Groupe McPeak-Sirois, commente : « Ce financement entrainera une croissance substantielle de notre consortium, permettant ainsi l’expansion de l’offre d’essais cliniques à travers la province du Québec. En tant qu’ancienne patiente et participante à un essai clinique, je sais à quel point il est important d’avoir accès à la recherche qui soigne, quel que soit son lieu de résidence ».

Plus tôt cette année, Cancer du sein du Canada a lancé le registre du cancer du sein PROgress. Le Groupe McPeak-Sirois a été l’un des premiers à relayer l’annonce de ce premier registre national de connaissances en son genre qui recueillera les expériences des personnes atteintes d’un cancer du sein au cours des 10 prochaines années. L’intention est d’utiliser les données pour éclairer les politiques et la gestion future du cancer du sein. Cancer du sein du Canada invite désormais les participantes qui ont ou ont eu un cancer du sein, à n’importe quel stade ou étape dans leur parcours, à s’inscrire au registre PROgress, disponible en français et en anglais

À propos de Cancer du sein du canada
Cancer du sein du Canada (anciennement la Société du cancer du sein du Canada) est un organisme de bienfaisance national qui se consacre à sauver des vies grâce à la recherche sur le cancer du sein. En mettant l’accent sur l’oncologie de précision (soins personnalisés), il s’agit du seul organisme national de lutte contre le cancer du sein au Canada qui a clairement pour mandat de recueillir des fonds pour la recherche. L’organisme ne reçoit aucun financement gouvernemental, ce qui signifie que toute la recherche est financée par la générosité des donateurs. Pour plus d’informations, visitez cancerduseinprogres.com

À propos du Groupe McPeak-Sirois
Le Groupe McPeak-Sirois est un consortium d’hôpitaux de toutes les régions du Québec ayant pour mission d’améliorer la lutte contre le cancer du sein en augmentant l’accès et la participation des patients aux protocoles de recherche clinique. Doté d’un comité scientifique composé de chercheurs reconnus à l’échelle mondiale, le Groupe veille à la sélection des études cliniques offertes aux hôpitaux membres. Cofondé en 2015 par Susan McPeak, survivante d’un cancer du sein, et son conjoint, l’entrepreneur Charles Sirois, le Groupe McPeak-Sirois s’engage à améliorer l’accès à la recherche qui soigne. https://mcpeaksirois.org/en

Contact Media
Anne-Marie Tremble
Gestionnaire de compte

Contact pour le Groupe McPeak-Sirois
Marine Baillie, Conseillère aux communications
Groupe McPeak-Sirois
C : 514-945-2803


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When you support Breast Cancer Canada, you are helping to improve and save lives through better treatments and early detection of breast cancer.

1 in 8 Canadian women
will be diagnosed with breast cancer.

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The more money we raise, the sooner we can end breast cancer. Join us on our mission to end breast cancer.

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When you support Breast Cancer Canada, you are helping to improve and save lives through better treatments and early detection of breast cancer.

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Gifting securities

Donating securities is becoming more popular, and supports Breast Cancer Canada just like cash donations. Gifts of publicly traded securities (stocks, bonds, mutual funds) are an easy, tax-effective way to make a contribution towards life-saving research that helps with early detection, better treatments, and ultimately  Securities can be of any size and given immediately, or you can bequeath them to Breast Cancer Canada in your will. Just like a cash donation, you’ll get a donation tax credit for your gift of securities.

Today, most securities are held electronically and are easily transferred from your brokerage account to our BCC brokerage account. Your Financial Advisor can make all the arrangements.

For more information, contact: hello@breastcancerprogress.ca

Send e-cards in memory or honour

Bravery is beautiful. That’s why we encourage you to make a donation in honour of a loved one’s own experience with breast cancer. With your donation, we’ll send a email to acknowledge the dedication to the individual or family.

Make a donation with  eCard by dedicating your donation:

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Corporate matching

Multiply the impact of your donation

Fact: thousands of companies will match donations made by employees.

It’s true, and it’s very generous. Want to know if your company will match your donation to BCC? Use the search tool below. It also has access to all the forms, guidelines, and instructions you need to submit a company-matchable gift donation today.

Search Tool

Monthly Giving

Support life-saving breast cancer research every month of the year.


When you make a monthly contribution to Breast Cancer Canada, you provide stable funding for year-round campaigning and allow us to continue to support research projects across Canada.


To join, simply pre-authorize a monthly deduction from your credit card.

  1. Online:  Donate Now
  2. By Phone: Sign up as a monthly donor by calling Toll Free: 1-800-567-8767
  3. By Mail

Breast Cancer Canada, National Office
415 Exmouth Street Unit # 101
Sarnia, ON N7T 8A4

You will need to provide us the credit card type, number and expiry date, and the amount you would like to give each month.

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Legacy Donor

Over the last 30 years, many generous donors have left a legacy to Breast Cancer Canada in efforts to advance breast cancer research.

No matter what the form of your gift, you will be remembered by your legacy which will live on through each of the lives you touch with your gift.

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Legacy donor

Leave a legacy. Plan for a future gift.

  • Leave a gift in your will
  • Donating a life insurance policy
  • Donate a TFSA, RRSP, or RRIF

Support Breast Cancer Canada with a future gift to create a better future for breast cancer patients. Your gift helps to save lives through early detection and improve outcomes with better treatments.

or more information, please contact: hello@breastcancerprogress.ca


This is often called a bequest. It’s the simplest way to make a legacy gift. A gift in your will has no effect on your current income and your estate receives a charitable donation tax receipt. Here’s a sample of simple bequest wording : “To pay the sum of $_________ OR _______% of the residue of my estate to Breast Cancer Canada.”


Life insurance is a way to provide financial security for your family. If the needs of your family are already taken care of, a life insurance policy is a smart way to donate to charity including tax savings for your estate. Speak to your financial advisors for your personalized advice and learn how a gift of life insurance can work for you. Here’s the top-line on ways of leaving gifts of life insurance:

Bequeath your policy to Breast Cancer Canada for the future:

  • Name Breast Cancer Canada as the beneficiary of your policy. BCC will receive your insurance proceeds tax-free. Your estate will receive a donation receipt.

Transfer ownership of a paid-up policy to Breast Cancer Canada now:

  • Want to gift us your existing, paid-up policy right now? Make Breast Cancer Canada the beneficiary and owner of your policy. You will receive a donation receipt for the fair market value of the policy. BCC may redeem the policy now, or hold it and receive the face value in the future – however your gift can be put to best use.

Transfer ownership of a policy on which premiums are still owing to BCC now:

  • Premiums still owing? You can still opt to transfer your policy ownership to BCC. You’ll receive a donation receipt for the policy’s fair market value. Want to make it an ongoing gift? Transfer the ownership to BCC, and still continue to pay the premiums owing. You’ll receive donation receipts for those payments too.


Register a significant difference in the lives of those affected by breast cancer. Donate the proceeds of a registered account: Tax-free savings account (TFSA); Registered retirement savings plan (RRSP); Registered retirement income fund (RRIF). It’s a smart way to make a major contribution. Without reducing your current assets. Without subjecting the funds to probate fees. While reducing taxes on your estate through a donation receipt.

Making a gift like this is easy. Designate Breast Cancer Canada as the beneficiary of your registered account.  You benefit from the full use of your account(s) during your lifetime. We receive any remaining funds after your passing.

For more information, contact: hello@breastcancerprogress.ca

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Corporate Donor

Support life-saving breast cancer research. A corporate donation is a simple and efficient way to demonstrate your corporate support.

To make a one-time or reoccurring corporate donation online, please click here.

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How to Sponsor

Thinking about becoming a corporate partner of Breast Cancer Canada? Amazing. work with all types of organizations. We’ll help you deliver results which are measurable. National or local.

A partnership with Breast Cancer Canada is a win-win. It improves employee engagement, boosts morale, fosters a tighter culture. It raises your organization’s profile and demonstrates your support for breast cancer research. To customers. To employees. To suppliers. Most of all – it makes a positive impact for those affected directly by breast cancer.

We’ll raise money for life-saving breast cancer research, together.

Let’s talk about building your program!

Contact Dawn Hamilton today to get started.
Email: hello@breastcancerprogress.ca
Phone: 1-800-567-8767 

To make an online corporate donation, please click here.

How to

Support an Event

Make a contribution to a fundraiser being held in support of Breast Cancer Canada. You can search for the organization or person you wish to support; or click on the event name to make a general donation to the Raise More initiative of your choice.

How to


Thinking about becoming a corporate partner of Breast Cancer Canada? Amazing. We work with all types of organizations. We’ll help you deliver results which are measurable. National or local.

A partnership with Breast Cancer Canada is a win-win. It improves employee engagement, boosts morale, fosters a tighter culture. It raises your organization’s profile and demonstrates your support for breast cancer research. To customers. To employees. To suppliers. Most of all – it makes a positive impact for those affected directly by breast cancer.

We’ll raise money for life-saving breast cancer research, together.

Let’s talk about building your program!

Contact Charlene Politano today to get started.
Email: cpolitano@breastcancerprogress.ca
Phone: 1-800-567-8767 or 416-352-8567

To make an online corporate donation, please click here.

If you would like to explore other ways to give, we invite you to learn more.

How to


Join the Raise More Challenge

The more money we raise, the sooner we can end breast cancer. The more time researchers have in the lab. The more technology they can use. The more support we can get. Advancements in early detection and personalized treatment are in reach, and with your help to raise funds, we can find a cure sooner.

There are many ways to fundraise – whether you want to create a competition or tournament, fundraise with your team, challenge your colleagues, host a pink party, have a bake sale or cook-off, the idea is to raise more for breast cancer research.

Breast Cancer Canada will empower you with all the tools you need for a successful fundraiser, and if you need more information, contact Dawn Hamilton at: dhamilton@breastcancerprogress.ca  

How to


Volunteers are Breast Cancer Canada’s most important resource, and the backbone of our organization. From helping build our PROgress research to helping breast cancer patients, to supporting events, special fundraising projects and administrative tasks, our volunteers are dedicated to making a positive, life-changing impact.

We ensure our volunteers have the best possible experience and apply the Canadian Code for Volunteer Involvement.

You can help us end breast cancer by:

  • Volunteering with one of our fundraising campaigns. Or a BCC signature event
  • Helping with local community events where you live
  • Joining our PROgress research at a local hub
  • Assisting us with virtual office tasks

Learn more about our volunteer driven Regional Hubs.

Regional Hubs are an integral part of Breast Canada Canada. We connect communities and those committed to our mission to make the goal local. Together, we can save lives through advancing breast cancer research, coast to coast.

Connect to learn more about what is happening in your area: volunteer@breastcancerprogress.ca