London’s 12th annual Oncology Research & Education Day was held on June 26, 2015. This city-wide event showcases the breadth of oncology research at Western University, ranging from basic research through to translational and clinical research. More than 285 investigators and trainees attended the day, with eight oral presentations and 98 poster presentations from trainees.
The oral and poster presentations were judged by a panel of scientists and clinicians – and current and former trainees at the Pamela Greenaway-Kohlmeier Translational Breast Cancer Research Unit (TBCRU) took home 5 of the 14 awards!
The TBCRU trainee winners are:
- Natasha Caminsky, MSc student, Dept. of Biochemistry. Supervisor: Dr. Peter Rogan.
- Adrienne Borrie, PhD student, Dept. of Clinical Pharmacology. Supervisor: Dr. Richard Kim.
- Alexandra Hauser-Kawaguchi, MSc student, Dept. of Chemistry. Supervisor: Dr. Len Luyt.
- Bart Kolendowski, PhD student, Dept. of Biochemistry. Supervisor: Dr. Joe Torchia.
- Lori Lowes, PhD student, Dept. of Anatomy & Cell Biology. Supervisor: Dr. Alison Allan.
Congratulations to all the award winners – well done!
Thank you to BCSC for your support of our award-winning TBCRU trainees!
Pamela Greenaway-Kohlmeier Translational Breast Cancer Research Unit, London Health Sciences Centre