With one Mother’s Day Walk underway and another one coming up on May 12th, we wanted to share with you a few ways to prepare for a great 5K walk this weekend. Is this your first time walking with the Breast Cancer Society of Canada and other supporters who have been fundraising as well? Don’t worry, we are here to share some of our experiences and what you can expect.
What are we bringing this year?
- A good pair of running or athletic shoes! Since we are all walking 5 kilometers, it is important to be as comfortable and as safe as possible. It is also helpful to wear a pair of socks that feel comfortable for the shoes you’ve chosen as well.
- Don’t forget to be environmentally friendly and bring a reusable water bottle! Feel free to fill it with ice water or another kind of sports drink that you prefer. This also ensures you can fill it up as many times as you’d like throughout the day.
- Our pink attire! Feel free to show your support for breast cancer research and wear some pink – we will be in our TBCRU t-shirts if you’d like to stop by, say hello, and ask us any questions about our research and why we are walking on Saturday.
- Other athletic and weather appropriate clothing! We will be keeping an eye on the weather to ensure that we are properly clothed for any conditions that might happen on the weekend of our walk. We will also be wearing clothing that is breathable and doesn’t hold in moisture. If you need assistance in choosing clothing that is right for you,
- A camera, to document all of our Mother’s Day Walk memories and share them with friends and family after a great day at the walk
How are we warming up and getting ready for the walk?
- Warming up and stretching! We will be doing some simple stretches and rotations that focus on stretching the calves and shins. We want to avoid injury, and so stretching and warming up is a very important step to take before starting.
- Keeping hydrated is key for participating in a longer walk. Drinking lots of water in training, during the walk, and after the walk is important for staying hydrated and for our overall health.
- Getting lots of rest. It is important to rest and recover between training sessions, and to also be well rested for the day of. Prioritize your sleep to improve your overall health and performance on the day of the walk.
I hope this helps you get ready for the upcoming Mother’s Day Walk this weekend. If you’ve already been part of an earlier walk, let us know how it was and share your photos with the hashtag #MothersDayWalk and #ResearchMatters. If you have any further general questions, feel free to check out the Mother’s Day Walk Tips and Resources page.
Looking forward to a great upcoming weekend supporting an amazing cause!
Support researchers like these visit mothersdaywalk.ca and consider registering to walk or making a donation.
Author Bio:
Natasha Knier is an MSc Candidate in Medical Biophysics at Western University, and is currently supported by a TBCRU Studentship Award for 2018-2019.